
write mechanix writer development plans

DESIGNED AND EXTENSIVELY TESTED AND CONFIRMED over more than a decade of writing and teaching by senior university lecturer and professional cross-media writer David Young, the tutorials work to:

develop each writer’s abilities through a practical structured learning program

imbue confidence in being able to handle effectively any writing assignment or task

heighten each writer’s perception to analyse their own work

help each writer identify the strengths and weaknesses of their own particular style

offer a gateway to future publication and/or production

All tutorials were developed from a series of master-classes, seminars and lectures delivered at degree and post-graduate levels throughout a variety of major tertiary institutions across Australia.

Thousands of students seem to have benefited from the colour and scope of each module, and many progressed into full-time professional writing careers. Here are some of the subjects now being offered exclusively by Write Mechanix for discussion:

The Self Versus The Non-Self (And Visa-Versa):

tension in description - up, down, left, right so what's implied in between?

if I were to describe me as someone else saw me what would it read like?

(we would all know if we could see our own shadow moving backwards...)

Editorial Responsibility And Market Orientation:

what is a concept and is it different to an idea?




(designing transparent communications)


in "show" mode you can stack up any motives: entertainment through the planned leading of audiences expectations

why life rarely seems messy on the screen

in any dynamic scene, what creates interpersonal tension?

(we know what you mean, and we’re smiling,
because we’ve predicted you and have an agenda to offer)

Comedy - Theme (1):

projection and the absurdity of the human condition

how deep is the joke?

(does the gag ever end?..)

You could say it’s a heady trip, but maybe writing was always meant to be that way. And the synthesis of these courses has been designed especially for Write Mechanix, and are available only on the Write Mechanix site. Such is the price of admission...

    write mechanix tutorials
    course outline copyright david young 2000 and before 
    Phone 02 6254 2917

    no words can ever be written unless they’re meant...



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